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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:54 PM IST

You can't afford to miss these 10 pictures of Neerja Bhanot

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Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart

Sonam Kapoor’s movie Neerja, based on the real life story of Pan Am flight attendant Neerja Bhanot, has received rave reviews.

While the entire country has been curious to know more about this young girl who sacrificed her life to save 359 others, when the flight was hijacked in 1986 in Karachi, Amul honoured Neerja by releasing a 1980s ad.

Neerja used to work as a model before joining Pan Am and has modelled for Benzer sarees, Binaca toothpaste, Godrej Besto detergent, Vaporex, Vico Turmeric cream, etc. This ad for Amul Chocolate features a young boy and Neerja singing about how he is, “too old for tricycles and too young to be a pilot. But just right for Amul chocolate.”

Here, we bring you some vintage ads featuring Neerja Bhanot, the model.

  • Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart

    Had the hijackers not cut Neerja’s life short, she would have returned to Mumbai on her 23rd birthday

    Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart
  • Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart

    While helping three children slide down the chute of the emergency exit, Neerja was hit by bullets.

    Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart
  • Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart

    On September 5, 1986, The Pan Am 73 flight from Mumbai to Frankfurt landed at the Jinnah International Airport, Karachi, for an hour-long stopover and four heavily-armed Palestinian men, hijacked the aircraft carrying 360 passengers.

    Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart
  • Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart

    Neerja Bhanot’s was the face that launched several brands in the 1980s, from Binaca to baby food.

    Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart
  • Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart

    Soon after marriage ended, when Pan Am decided to have an all-India crew to cater to its Asian clients — other than Air India, it was the first airline to do so — Neerja applied for the job.

    Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart
  • Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart

    Neerja had agreed to a match arranged by her father to a man based in Sharjah. After she was harassed by demands for dowry, Neerja decided to end the marriage.

    Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart
  • Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart

    Once her photo was printed, she got her first modelling offer. Paville, a popular retail store, had contacted her.

    Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart
  • Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart

    It was 1986 that Neerja began her modelling career. A photographer approached Neerja wanting to feature her in a section called ‘The girl next door’ in the magazine Bombay.

    Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart
  • Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart

    Her classmates remember Neerja as fearless and honest.

    Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart
  • Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart

    Neerja was born on September 7, 1962, in Chandigarh Sector 16 where her father Harish worked as a journalist.

    Neerja Bhanot: Rare photos of the braveheart
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