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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 11:50 PM IST

From God to Mohanlal, with love

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Actor Mohanlal is like a magician who never ceases to amaze us. The thespian has yet again proved his writing prowess through his blog.

His recent write-up titled 'A letter from God' touches upon issues ranging from intolerance to internet addiction. The fictional story has two letters; the letter Mohanlal wrote to God and the reply he got.

Apparently, the actor was inspired to write a letter to God after reading 'When breath becomes air' by Paul Kalanidhi. In his letter, he asks why men's time on the earth is so short. He also questions God's immaculate plans about one's life and death.

The actor didn't have to wait for a reply as 'God is not so busy!' God replies to each and every queries asked by 'Lallu', saying it's quite natural for one to remember the Creator when death comes calling. God asks him how many people make use of their time on earth in the most useful manner.

God has given everyone 24 hours a day, but people use it differently. While most of the people use that time to bully others or spread negativity, the valuable time given by God goes more or less untapped. By the time people reach the last stage of life, most of the humans complain that they did not get enough time to live.

Mahatma Gandhi, Sachin Tendulkar, M.T. Vasudevan Nair, Lata Mangeshkar, Yesudas, Illayaraja, Mammootty and A.R. Rahman put their time to best use. Through his letter, God urges everyone to stop fighting in the name of religion by creating temples, churches or mosque.

Talking about various 'new generation' addictions, God points out how people spend most of their time in social media commenting and posting their thoughts.

Unsurprisingly, the blog post viral on social media platforms. While fans are claiming the new post is a perfect reply to all those who trolled the superstar for the past few weeks with various unwarranted criticisms, many have considered it as an eye opener for the younger generations.

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