


Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 11:55 PM IST

Mamta Mohandas apologizes for her wrong tweet on Kavalam

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mamta-mohandas Mamtha Mohandas

Actress Mamta Mohandas has apologised for wrongly mentioning singer Kavalam Sreekumar's name while paying condolences to his father and dramatist Kavalam Narayana Panicker.

Mamta took to Twitter and wrote, "Kindly accept my apology abt t tweet on t demise of #kavalam. It had only been 30secs since my tweet n I took it down ASAP #blunder [sic]."

Earlier, in her tribute tweet, she had typed Kavalam Srikumar instead of Kavalam Narayana Panicker. Though she retracted the tweet soon, it was enough for the trollers to do their part.

mamtha-mistake The screenshot of the tweet has been doing rounds on social media

Mamtha had immediately deleted the tweet, after she realised her mistake but the screenshot of the tweet has been doing rounds on social media and the actress was trolled for her carelessness.

Kavalam Narayana Panicker, who revolutionised Malayalam theatre, died at the age of 88 on Sunday.

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