


Last Updated Thursday November 19 2020 09:58 PM IST

Who will grab the role in Jayalalithaa biopic?

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Jayalalithaa biopic still in ideation stage Ramya Krishnan had expressed interest to play 'Amma' on screen

Veteran Telugu filmmaker Dasari Narayana Rao, who has expressed his desire to work on a biopic on late actress and former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa, says the project is yet to enter the scripting phase.

Jayalalithaa, aged 68, passed away on December 5 last year.

"The biopic idea has just started to take shape. The scripting work is just getting started. Jayalalithaa's story is fascinating, inspiring and it deserves to be told. I haven't thought about whom to cast yet as I can't zero in on anyone without completing the script first," Rao told IANS.

He also said that the film will be made in Tamil and Telugu.

Will he meet V.K. Sasikala, a confidante of Jayalalithaa, to take help in the scripting process?

"It's too early to even meet anyone. I just want to concentrate on writing for now," he said.

Southern actresses such as Ramya Krishnan and Trisha have expressed interest to play 'Amma' on screen in the past.

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