Chennai: Actor Suriya, who awaits the release of "S3", says talks have been initiated with filmmaker Gautham Vasudev Menon for a yet-untitled Tamil film. If everything goes as planned, they might team up next year.
"It's about time we reunite. We have been in talks and something should materialize next year," Suriya told IANS.
Suriya and Gautham had previously worked in hit Tamil films "Kaakha Kaakha" and "Vaaranam Aayiram".
A few years ago, the duo was to join hands for Tamil spy thriller "Dhruva Natchathiram". However, the project never took off.
"Dhruva Natchathiram" is finally being revived with actor Vikram, and the project is most likely to happen next year.
(With agency inputs)