


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:49 AM IST

There's no looking back for Friday Film House

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There's no looking back for Friday Film House The Friday Film House team

When Vijay Babu and Sandra Thomas started Friday Film House, they only wanted to make good films. But the growth of their dream venture was much more than what they had expected.

With a handful of good films, the company carved out its own niche among other film-producing firms. So it's not surprise that its latest venture, Adi Kapyare Koottamani, has set the box office coffers ringing.

The firm has also received accolades for its experiments with films and has been consistently trying out new faces in films. Almost all films were made by new directors. Another highlight is that all the films became hits without any superstars. The firm has been successful in giving breaks for new actors.

There's no looking back for Friday Film House From Left: Lijin Jose, Rojin T. Thomas, Mithun Manuel and John Varghese

Not remaining tied to a specific formula, the firm has been trying many genres and many of its films received critical acclaim. The firm has been able to bring new faces such as Lijin Jose, Rojin T. Thomas, Shanil Muhammed and others to the world of films. Let the company bring more accolades to Malayalam cinema.

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