


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 06:46 PM IST

Fahadh-Nazriya pose for Vanitha cover page

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Fahadh-Nazriya pose for Vanitha cover page

The most celebrated couple of Mollywood Fahadh Faasil and Nazriya Nazim are back in the limelight.

Malayalam's popular magazine Vanitha's cover page features the Fahadh and Nazriya on its March first edition. Dressed in black and white, both Nazriya and Fahadh look amazing as always.

Reportedly, Fahadh had shaved his head completely and gained some extra kilos for Anwar Rasheed's upcoming directorial venture.

Grab the latest copies of Vanitha to read the darling couple's exclusive interview and see some rare and unseen photos of the pair.

Click here to read Vanitha e-Edition

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