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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 07:03 PM IST

'D4 dance': here's the best performance of season 3 | video

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D4 dance

Mazhavil Manorama's dance reality show 'D4 Dance' recently reached the 100-episode mark that was made all the more special by some stellar performance.

The duo team of Akhil and Ashwin did an amazing performance for the 'relationship round' on the song 'Aaromale' from the movie 'Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa'.

The soothing and mind-blowing dance impressed all the judges, who showered praises on the duo for their impeccable synchronization and presentation.

The duo's performance won them a 30 out of 30 score, a feat earlier achieved by team RC boys.

Watch the brilliant performance here:

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