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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 12:37 PM IST

Bhavana tells us why her engagement was a secret and more

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Bhavana and Naveen Bhavana and Naveen

Malayalam actress Bhavana exchanged rings with Kannada producer Naveen in a private ceremony in her house in Thrissur on Thursday. The photos from the engagement went viral on the Internet and though surprised initially, all were happy for the couple.

Talking about the reason for keeping it a homely function, Bhavana said, "Naveen and his family had come home as part of their tradition of seeing the bride. Everyone in both the families were present and it was decided immediately to turn it into a ring exchange ceremony. That's how it happened and the function was held in my house itself."

Bhavana told Onmanorama more about the close-knit affair. "In fact, I couldn't even invite my close friends for the ceremony and informed them much later. I thought about informing everyone officially when my marriage happens. However, the news became public.''

ALSO CHECK: Bhavana gets engaged to Naveen | Pix

Bhavana said Naveen's family was known to hers for the past five years and the wedding was postponed due to the demise of her father and his mother.

While signing off from the brief chat, Bhavana confirmed that the wedding will happen this year itself.

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