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Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 02:16 PM IST

Thilakan's letter to Mohanlal slams 'mute' AMMA

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Thilakan's letter to Mohanlal slams 'mute' AMMA Thilakan had kept five copies of his letter to Mohanlal in a file marked 'AMMA.' He had asked the family to keep it safely.

Thiruvananthapuram: The daughter of late actor Thilakan has released a letter written by her father years ago to superstar Mohanlal, then general secretary of the Malayalam cine artistes body AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes). The letter, dated March 23, 2010, unleashes harsh criticism of the positions that AMMA had taken on certain issues.

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“AMMA had remained silent when some producers kept me out, yielding to threats, despite having signed me,” Thilakan points out.

AMMA kept quiet when the goons of actor-legislator K B Ganesh Kumar threatened him, Thilakan says in the letter released by his daughter Sonia. “They called me on the phone and threatened me with death. AMMA office-bearers pretended ignorance.


“AMMA leaders respond with fury when super stars and fans associations are criticized, but keep quiet when the rights of members are trampled upon or ignored. This attitude is unjustifiable.

“I'm willing to express regret if convinced that my statements have caused shame to anyone. The organization is not functioning properly, such approach will ruin it.”

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Sonia said her father was ready to express regret, but AMMA leaders did not have the heart to listen. “They are double-faced. They ignored Thilakan, but have taken back Dileep.

“We know that some directors had asked director Ranjith to keep my father out of 'Indian Rupee.' The pressure and the physical strain he suffered after the ban hastened his death.”

READ: 'AMMA has different norms for Thilakan and Dileep'

Thilakan had kept five copies of his letter to Mohanlal in a file marked 'AMMA.' He had asked the family to keep it safely. Other papers related to AMMA are also in the file.

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