


Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 03:53 PM IST

Divya Unni shares an adorable birthday message for hubby

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Yesteryear Malayalam film actress Divya Unni recently got married to Mumbai-based Keralite Arun Kumar Manikandan.

On Friday, on the occasion of her husband's birthday, Divya took to Facebook and posted a lovely message. She wrote, “Happy Happy birthday My Dear Arun @mak_strong. Praying for all your dreams to come true. So blessed to hold your hand and walk beside you.” (sic.)

Arun is a native of Thiruvananthapuram but is settled in Mumbai and has been a resident of Houston, Texas, for the last four years.

In 2016, Divya ended her 14-year-old marriage with Dr Sudhir Shekhar and moved back from the USA to Kochi along with her children Arjun and Meenakshi. According to reports, the actress decided to end the first marriage due to Sudhir's extramarital affairs.

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