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Last Updated Saturday November 28 2020 01:21 PM IST

Pic of the day: Rajini celebrates grandson Ved's birthday

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Rajinikanth celebrates grandson Ved's birthday

Soundarya Rajinikanth’s son, Ved Krishna, turned three on Sunday. A few photos from his birthday party were shared on Twitter and they look adorable.

Ved's grandfather and superstar Rajinikanth was also present and in one of the pictures Thalaiva can be seen looking at the cake-cutting ceremony like a little kid. Thalaivar and his wife Latha lean over as Ved blows the candles. Check out the pics here:

Soundarya married Chennai-based industrialist Ashwin Ramkumar in 2010, but their marriage fell apart in 2015. The couple, who separated two years, officially divorced a year back.

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