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Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 09:39 PM IST

It's ring exchange for the 'Jimikki kammal' girl Sherin!

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It's ring exchange for the 'Jimikki kammal' girl Sherin!

Sheril G Kadavan, who became an overnight celebrity with her dance for the song Jimikki Kammal went viral a few months ago, is officially engaged. Praful Tomy Amamthuruthil is the lucky man who will marry Sheril. The engagement ceremony was held at Vazhakulam near Thodupuzha.

Sheril became an instant Internet sensation last year when she danced in the 'Jimikki Kammal' video of Indian School of Commerce (ISC), which sent ripples across social media. The dance was choreographed as a foot-tapping number in the recently released Malayalam film Velipadinte Pusthakam starring Mohanlal.

Sheril choreographed the dance along with Anna George, who is also a teacher at ISC.

ISC at Infopark in Kochi is an initiative of a multinational entity, the International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC), registered in England and Wales. Sheril is a lecturer in the institution.

It's ring exchange for the 'Jimikki kammal' girl Sherin!

She also tried her luck in action through a music video titled 'There Is No Goodbye,' composed by Mejjo Josseph. The music video captures the beautiful friendship of two women from two different cultures featuring Sheril and Irena Mihalkovich.

It's ring exchange for the 'Jimikki kammal' girl Sherin!

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