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Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 03:59 PM IST

Late actress Srividya’s flat in Chennai put up for auction

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Late actress Srividya’s flat in Chennai put up for auction Late actress Srividya

The Income Tax department has put up for auction, deceased South Indian actress Srividya’s flat in Chennai to recover the tax arrears which amounted to Rs 45 lakh .

The officials at the IT department said they were going ahead with the auction proceedings with the permission of KB Ganesh Kumar, a Malayalam film actor and politician, who is the legal custodian of Srividya’s properties.

The auction of the flat whose base price has been set at more than Rs 1 crore will take place in Chennai on March 26.

The flat is currently rented by one Umasankar, a lawyer.

Umasankar said that he had rented the flat from Srividya in 2005, before the actress succumbed to cancer a year later. He added that Ganesh Kumar is aware about the cases with the IT department and that he has been paying to it the monthly rent of Rs 13,000.

Srividya had not paid the tax from 1996 until her death; hence the arrears skyrocketed to a whopping Rs 45 lakh. The IT department has decided to auction off the flat as the monthly rent of Rs 13,000 collected from the tenant is insufficient to cover the arrears.

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