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Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 01:26 PM IST

Ganapathi to debut as hero in upcoming family entertainer

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Ganapathi to debut as hero in upcoming family entertainer Apart from Ganapathi, the film casts actors Lal, Muthumani, Balu Varghese in prominent roles.

Actor Ganapathi, who started off in the Malayalam movie industry as a child artist and kept thrilling the audience in various roles over the years, is debuting as hero in the upcoming family drama titled Vallikudilile Vellakkaran.

Ganapathi who essayed brilliant roles as a child artist in films like Vinodayathra and Pranchiyettan & The Saint did major character roles in Kamattipadam, Puthan Panam, Chunkzz and so on.


The film directed by Duglus Alfred is scripted by three writers, namely Jose John, Jijo Justin and Duglus Alfred (Jose John is the script writer of the film Asthamayam Vare, which was was selected for the IFFK 2014 and went on to bag the Rajathachakoram and the Certificate of Merit).

Ganapathi to debut as hero in upcoming family entertainer The cast and crew of the movie during the pooja.

The film is centered around two youths who are bent on flying abroad and conquer the riches of the world. The struggle of the two youths and funny incidents they encounter in their mad pursuit is portrayed in the movie.


Apart from Ganapathi, the film casts actors Lal, Muthumani, Balu Varghese in prominent roles. Pavi Pavan cranks the camera, while Deepak Dev composes the background score and the songs are penned by BK Harinarayanan and Rafeeq Ahammed.

Ganapathi to debut as hero in upcoming family entertainer (From right to left) Script writers Jose John, Jijo Justin and director Duglus Alfred at the pooja of Vallikudilile Vellakkaran.

The film is being produced by Malar Cinemas in association with Juvis Productions. The producers are Navis Xavier, Siju Mathew, and Sanjitha S. Kanth.

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