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Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 02:07 PM IST

The makeover video of Fahadh Faasil for an ad is going viral

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The makeover video of Fahad Faasil for an ad is going viral In the 41-second-long ad, Fahadh will be seen in an overweight avatar.

Actor Fahadh Faasil leaves no stone unturned when it comes to making his characters perfect on screen.

The Carbon actor has recently done an incredible makeover for the filming of a TV commercial. In the 41-second-long ad, Fahadh will be seen in an overweight avatar.

The making video of the ad in which the actor is seen physically transforming into the character is going viral on the social media.

Fahadh’s admirers are lauding the hard work of the actor who has put in so much effort even for the filming of a short ad.

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