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Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 07:15 PM IST

Kushboo mourns death of pet dog on social media

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Kushboo mourns death of pet dog on social media Kushboo shared a picture of Chilli, her pet dog, on Facebook

South Indian actress Kushboo posted an emotional message on Facebook following the death of her pet dog, Chilli.

She wrote that her home wouldn’t be the same without her darling pet that had been a part of her family for 12 long years.

Kushboo wrote, “You grew up in our arms…your moods n attitude, your love and playful nature, your waiting for us at the steps, your handshake, your cute tiny barks…everything about you will be missed.”

Kushboo added that her dog’s death had left her 'heartbroken and teary eyed.'

Sharing a picture of Chilli Kushboo wrote, “Rest in peace #Chilliboy.. you have a place reserved in heaven..and in our hearts forever..we love you dear.”

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