


Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 08:22 PM IST

Cyber attack: 'Life of Josutty' fame Jyothi Krishna posts video message

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Cyber attack: 'Life of Josutty' fame Jyothi Krishna posts video message This is not the first time that the Life of Josutty actress is being a victim of vicious cyber attack.

Actresses have been the target of cyber bullying or slut-shaming, and most often the victims have boldly condemned such attacks and sought the legal course.

The latest celebrity to join the league is actress Jyothi Krishna who recently got married to actress Radhika’s brother Arun Anandaraj. This is not the first time that the Life of Josutty actress is being a victim of vicious cyber attack.

Earlier, a morphed picture of Jyothi Krishna was doing the rounds in Whattsapp, and a piece of fake news was seen in YouTube claiming that she had criticized actor Dileep. In both these cases Jyothi Krishna had reacted strongly. In the latest incident, says Jyothi, messages which insult her and her family had been send particularly to her husband’s relatives’ Facebook accounts with the intention to malign her reputation.

The slanderous messages were sent from a Facebook profile by the name Sree Bhadra which seemed to be fake. In a video posted by the actress from Dubai, she said, “whoever is doing this has blocked me and my husband before sending these vile messages to my husband’s relatives.

The person is asking them why they have agreed for an alliance with me. I don’t know the real intention of the person who is doing all these even after my marriage. But he/she should understand that his/her intentions are not going to affect my life as the husband’s support and backing is the greatest strength of a married woman”.

Jyothi added that she didn’t know whether somebody from her side of the family is behind these scandalous messages, and she has the support of her husband and in laws which she values the most. The actress even rebuked her offender by crossly telling him/her to go and die.

She said, “whoever is doing this should stop it. It is way better to do some work and live for the well being of your family or kids. There is no point in trying to ruin the lives of people who lead a happy and peaceful life.” Jyothi Krishna also cautioned that similar things can happen to anybody including her friends. She concluded her video message by requesting the person to stop insulting her.

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