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Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 11:09 AM IST

Meet papa's girl in the anti-smoking ad, she's grown up and is a fashionista

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Meet papa's girl in the anti-smoking ad, she's grown up and is a fashionista Simran is now quite a sensation on social media.

Remember the famous stop smoking commercial you watch in theaters just before the screening of a movie? The ad is backed by the commentary, "Khushi kaun nahin chahta hai....lekin kis keemath par..."

In theaters, the ad is dubbed in the dialect of the region where it's screened. In Malayalam, it says, "Aaranu Santhosham aagrahikkathathu...."

So, you must be familiar with the cute little girl who appears in the ad. The innocent face of the little girl, who looks at her father helplessly when he smokes a cigarette in front of her and later hugs him when throws it away, is imprinted in the minds of every cinegoer. The little girl in the mandatory anti-smoking ad has grown up and is a young fashionista now.


Simran Natekar is at present a 17-year-old teenager who wistfully catches a glimpse of her childhood self every time she watches a movie.

She had acted in the ad produced by the ministry of health and family welfare way back in 2008 when she was seven. The 45-seconds long ad is played in movie halls across the country even before the titles roll on screen.

Simran is now quite a sensation on social media. She has over 38000 followers on Instagram who loves to see her in different looks and outfits. She has acted in several Bollywood films and other commercials too.

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