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Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 10:34 AM IST

Meet the bicycle boys who got wings through Soubin Shahir's 'Parava'

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Soubin's 'Parava' will be one of the best films of 2017: Dulquer 'Parava' marks directorial debut of Soubin Shahir

More than anything else, it is the mesmerizing performance by Amal Shah and Govind that remains deeply etched in our memory after watching the latest film Parava, directed by actor-turned-director Soubin Shahir.

The film, which is set on realistic lines in the backdrop of pigeon racing in the old trading town of Mattancherry, was widely appreciated by moviegoers and it catapulted Amal and Govind who played the role of Irshad (Ichchappi) and Haseeb, respectively, to instant fame.

In a chat show of Manorama News, Amal and Govind share their experience on the sets and tell how they were selected for the project.

"I was playfully doing a bicycle stunt on the road when Soubin Ikka met me for the first time. When he asked me for my home telephone number, I was scared witless, thinking he might call up my parents to tell them about my pranks on the street. But in the evening, he called me and asked if I could act in a film he was going to make," says Amal who is a native of Fort Kochi.

Govind too had a similar experience and says that Soubin Shahir saw him falling off a bicycle when he first met them.

The boys also conveyed in detail the pigeon racing that is prevalent in Mattancherry.

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