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Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 05:42 PM IST

This video is proof that Suchi leaks scandal is still bothering Dhanush

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This video is proof that Suchi Leaks scandal is still bothering Dhanush Stills from the video

Almost always, it goes like this: an actor sits down with a radio host, TV news anchor or journalist to answer some run-of-the-mill questions and then moves onto the next PR event without a hitch. But things go awry when interviewers get a bit adventurous and come up with some real questions for the celebrities.

Recently, actor Dhanush was put in such an uncomfortable situation during an interview for a Telugu TV channel. The actor lost his cool when he was asked if the Suchi Leaks controversy caused frictions in his family.

The moment the interviewer asked if his “family life was at stake”, an annoyed Dhanush got up from his seat, flung aside his label mic and said: “This is a really stupid interview.” The actor then stormed out of the studio.

The actor was in the eye of the storm following the Suchi Leaks scandal, where intimate photos and videos of many Kollywood celebrities, including him, were posted from singer Suchitra Karthik’s Twitter handle.

Dhanush is currently busy with the promotion of his upcoming film Vellai Illa Pattadhari 2, which is written and produced by the actor himself.

While the actor’s fans are criticizing the sensibilities of the interviewer, a few opine that the walking-out drama might be just a promotional tactic by the channel.

Watch the video of the interview here:

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