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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 08:29 AM IST

SmartCity: 5 mega projects also to be launched

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Smart City

Kochi: Five infrastructure projects will be started along with the inauguration of SmartCity Kochi on February 20. Foundation stones will be laid for the projects including a 30-storeyed twin towers to be built by Sands Infra, the information technology wing of the Lulu Group.

Dubai Cabinet Affairs Minister Mohammed Abdulla al Gergawi will inaugurate the ceremony, which will be attended by Union Information Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad and the heads of all the companies which invest in the project’s first phase.SmartCity’s own building with an area of 6.5 lakh square feet will be inaugurated in the first stage.

Nearly 47 lakh square feet would be added to it by the other investors including Gems International School, Holiday Group, Prestige and Elton Technologies.The 18 lakh square foot towers to be built by Sands Infra is tipped to be the tallest IT building in Kerala. This would also be the first IT building with a LEED Platinum rating.

The twin towers will share the basement and the lower floors. The two levels at the bottom would be dedicated for parking and other common facilities. The Lulu Group has 11 acres.The levelling works have been completed. Twin towers are expected to be completed in three years.

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