Malappuram youth torches car as father refuses to give key

Car gutted in fire. Photo: Screengrab/ Manorama News

Malappuram: Police arrested a youth for setting his father's car parked in the courtyard of his house on fire at Kondotty here Wednesday. According to police, Danish Minhaj (21) torched the car on Tuesday night as revenge after his father refused to give the vehicle's key for him to drive.

Cops intervened after his father filed a complaint against the youngster with Kondotty police. He told the police that he had dissuaded Danish from driving the car due to his childish behaviour.

An officer said the youth set the vehicle on fire even as other family members were inside the house. Any lapse in dousing the fire could have put their lives in danger as the flames from the vehicle damaged the wall and windowpanes of the house close to the car porch. 

According to Manorama News, the police would interrogate the youth and examine his mental health status.

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