Vigilant cops nab vehicle thief after night chase in Thrissur

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Befin (25), a native of Paravattani. Photo: Special arrangement/Canva

Thrissur: What was supposed to be a routine patrolling by a team from the Thrissur East Police Station turned into a chase drama that ended in the capture of a vehicle thief they were after.

Sub Inspector Balasubrahmanyan and Civil Police Officer Sufir were out on patrol Sunday night when they noticed something suspicious about a youth on a bike at the railway gate in Kokkala near Pottakulam.

The young man abandoned the bike and ran as he realised the police officers were on to him. But the officers apprehended him after a chase along the railway track. On questioning, they found the youth named Befin (25), a native of Paravattani, was connected to a bike theft that was under investigation.

The bike theft case had been registered at the East Police Station on August 20. The bike, which belongs to a Palakkad native, had been stolen from Fatima Nagar in Thrissur. The accused was produced before a court and remanded.

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