Kozhikode MCH doctor suspended for operating on tongue of toddler instead of her finger

Representative image: Shutterstock/PopTika

Kozhikode: The doctor, who performed an unauthorised procedure on the tongue of a four-year-old at the Institute Of Maternal & Child Health in the Medical College Hospital in Kozhikode, has been suspended.

Dr Bejohn Johnson's suspension comes in the wake of a report filed by the head of the Directorate of Medical Education on the instruction of Health Minister Veena George.
The Institute has said that further action will depend on an enquiry.

The doctor is accused of operating on the tongue of a toddler with Polydactyly (the condition of having more than the normal number of fingers or toes), who had been admitted for a procedure involving the surgical removal of an additional finger on a hand.

The child's parents have filed a case of medical negligence claiming their consent was not sought for the operation on the tongue. The doctor later apologised, but the opposition parties have criticised the state government. Leader of Opposition, V D Satheesan asked what corrective measures have been initiated by the Health Department instead of merely issuing a probe.

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