Buying sofas: These tips help you find durable, cost-effective and stylish pieces

Sit on the sofa to check whether the spring makes any sound before buying it. Photo credit:Bibica/

Furniture plays a remarkable role in transforming the interiors of a house, as it adds elegance while ensuring comfort and warmth. A couch is a piece of furniture that is often purchased meticulously by considering the needs of the family, size and shape of the room as well as its utility. Note these tips while buying readymade couch sets or making customised ones for your dream home.

Consider the features of the interiors
Do not choose a readymade couch set just by looking at the way they have been displayed at the showroom. Usually, sofas are arranged as set pieces along with other furniture to achieve a cohesive look. So, it is important to picturise it with the various features and other furniture in your home. For instance, the art-works or the indoor plants in your living room may not complement the couch set that you like. Moreover, the size of the room and the lighting too should be considered while choosing the perfect couch sets.

Quality of frame
The quality of the wooden frame which is used to make the sofa determines its sturdiness. Make sure that the frame is built using sturdy timber that is durable. The frame built using plywood or softwood would be of low quality and do not last long. It is better to choose couches that have wooden legs as part of the wooden frame. Metal legs of the couch could create scratches on the floor.

The bouncing capacity of the sofas depends on the springs that are used inside them. A good quality sofa would not make any sound when you sit on it. So, sit on the sofa to check whether the spring makes any sound before buying it.

Infill material
Usually, polyurethane foam is used as filling in premium couches. Make sure that the foam has been filled inside the couch in high density. Besides, the foam should be filled in the couch’s handrests and the backrest too. The timber frame shouldn’t touch your body while sitting on the couch.

Quality of upholstery
Linen fabric with a tight weave is suitable for sofas as it adds texture and comfort. However, linen isn’t long-lasting and could affect the durability of the sofa. Meanwhile, it is easy to clean synthetic fabrics like polyester. Those who prefer leather sofas should ensure that good quality leather has been used. Fake leather would turn sticky during summer and may be easily torn. 

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