A sleek, opulent mansion in Kozhikode gifted to parents by an architect

The grand facades and the cement walls grant a majestic appearance. Photo: Special arrangement

An architect who designs dream abodes for others surely comes up with unique and special ideas when one designs his or her own house. Shahbas’ brand-new home at Thondayad in Kozhikode, Kerala, is a masterpiece of design and engineering, that proves his impeccable talent as an architect.

From the unique elevation to the classy interiors, every feature and pattern of this house is sure to surprise you. The elevation doesn’t feature any particular style or theme; however, the grand facades and the cement walls grant a majestic appearance. Meanwhile, the sloped roof helps in making the structure look tall and elegant.

Designed in 6200 sqft, this magnificent mansion has a car porch, sit-out, formal and family living areas, courtyard, kitchen with a work area, and two bedrooms on the ground floor. Meanwhile, there are three bedrooms, a living area, a multipurpose area, and a spacious balcony on the upper floor.

Well-furnished common spaces that are really spacious could be seen in the interiors. Separating a fabulously furnished formal living area and arranging a cosy family living area on the ground floor as well as an upper living area are examples of such spaces that exude warmth.

The interiors mostly don lighter shades of hues that are pleasant to the eyes. Natural lighting, good ventilation and fabulous greenery are the three factors that make the interiors extra special. There is no need to switch on fans or lights inside the house during the day as the interiors are well-lit with golden sunshine. Moreover, the spaces are cool, as gentle breeze reaches every nook and corner of the house.

The skylight on the double-height ceiling in the formal living area brings natural sunshine into the house. Meanwhile, the spectacular view of the water body can be enjoyed from the full-length glass window here.
The simple yet classy dining table can easily accommodate up to eight persons. The marble top adds a beautiful sheen to the dining table set.

The kitchen furnished in the wooden theme looks sophisticated. Lots of storage units are arranged here, making the modern kitchen space efficient too. Tiles have been paved on the countertop to grant a clean look to the kitchen. Besides, a breakfast counter with chairs too is arranged here.
The six bedrooms in the house are cosy spaces that are elegantly furnished. The bath-attached bedrooms have in-built wardrobes and separate dressing spaces too.

While designing his own house, the architect had the freedom to execute his unique ideas to perfection. This is clearly evident from the mesmerizing abode that impresses with its splendid designer elevation and opulent interiors.

Project Facts
Location – Thondayad, Calicut
Area – 6200 SFT
Owner –  Dr Ahammad, Dr Saleena
Design – Studio Dtail, Calicut

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