Actress Swati Sharma flaunts classy new look in sari for her character

Swati Sharma's character Aashi in 'Chaahenge Tumhe Itnaa' has adopted a more traditional yet modern appearance in a sari. Photo: IANS

Mumbai: That sari never falls short of exuding charm and elegance is indisputable. However, it can also, at times, serve as apparel reflecting authority and power. It's a timeless costume that is carefully chosen for effective portrayal of characters on celluloid as well as mini-screen.

This is quite evident as actress Swati Sharma's character Aashi in 'Chaahenge Tumhe Itnaa' has adopted a more traditional yet modern appearance. She will be seen wearing vibrant net saris adorned with plenty of colourful bangles, giving her a fresh and distinctive look for the show.

After navigating numerous obstacles and dramatic twists, Aashi and Sid (Bharat Ahlawat) have finally tied the knot and embarked on a new journey together. With this new chapter in their story, Aashi’s look has also evolved.

Speaking about her new look, Swati said: "I love wearing sarees. My new look is particularly minimal yet classy and beautiful. As my character evolves, her appearance is also changing to reflect her growth. Aashi will soon start her own clothing business, and I believe her new look perfectly matches this new phase."

"It showcases her as a traditional wife and a modern businesswoman. The blend is shown very nicely in her look. I’m loving the transformation, and I hope the viewers will like it too," she added.

The show recently witnessed the entry of actress Arzoo Govitrikar as Neelima, making a comeback to television after a six-year hiatus.
'Chaahenge Tumhe Itnaa' airs on Shemaroo Umang.
(With inputs from IANS)

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