Worried about hair fall? Include these super foods in your diet for healthy locks

Carrot, almond and cheese salad. Photo: Shutterstock/Alena Haurylik

Healthy, luscious locks are the dream of almost everyone. There are millions of social media accounts dedicated to sharing tips to maintain fuller, shinier hair. Even more with advice to tackle hair loss struggles.

But there is one fact that every expert in the field agrees upon when it comes to growing healthy hair – that is to maintain a good diet. Food plays a pivotal role in ensuring the health of the hair.

Here are some of the superfoods that should be included in your diet to grow strong and shiny hair.

Carrots are rich sources of Vitamin A. Beta carotene deficiency is often pointed out as the main reason for hair breakage. According to nutritionists, 100 grams of carrot contains up to 16 milligrams of beta-carotene. Moreover, carrots are loaded with biotin, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Vitamin K which are essential for maintaining hair health. You could add carrots to curries, soups or salads for your daily diet plan. Carrot juice is delicious and is extremely nutritious.

Photo: Shuttesrtcok/ipag collection

Curry leaves
Curry leaves contain Vitamin B and antioxidants which boost blood circulation and hair growth. Besides, the amino acids in them improve hair growth and prevent hair fall. Curry leaves could be consumed as they are or added to various dishes. Interestingly curry leaf powder too is readily available in the market which could be added in curries or sprinkled on rice.

Photo: iStock/bhofack2

Having a gooseberry daily instantly boosts hair growth and keeps your hair healthy. The antioxidants in gooseberries prevent hair fall. It is also a great source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B and iron.

Gooseberries. Photo: iStock/nipastock

Almonds are loaded with biotin which improves the production of keratin, a protein that helps keep the hair, skin and nails healthy and strong. Those who have severe hair fall could snack on almonds as they contain Vitamin E and fatty acids. 

Almonds. Photo: Shutterstock/ Krasula
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