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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 10:57 PM IST

How KJ Yesudas' voice mesmerized us from 1964-2016 | Must-listen audio

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How KJ Yesudas' voice mesmerized us from 1964-2016 | Must-listen audio Pictures of K.J. Yesudas over the years. Onmanorama/File photos

For a Keralite, K.J. Yesudas needs no introduction. He has sung over 40,000 songs in several languages and the singer is treasured as our own by the people of Kerala.

We fondly call him Gana Gandharvan, Dasettan. His singing prowess is unmatched, no doubts there.

According to Wikipedia, his first credited song was recorded in 1961. After that, 55 years have passed by and his young yet confident vocals back then grew in maturity – a voice that is revered by musicians and commoners alike across the world.

Here, this sound clip, posted on Facebook by short film-serial actor Albert Alex, is made by compiling 12 songs – from 'Thamasamenthe Varuvan' in Bhargavi Nilayam of 1964 to 'Pookkal Panineerpookkal' in Action Hero Biju of 2016.

Have a listen and experience how his gifted voice traveled through these years, mesmerizing us.

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