


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 10:02 PM IST

Actor Shraavya Reddy lashes out at FB user who asked her breast size on live video

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Actor Shraavya Readdy lashes out at FB user who asked her breast size on live video Shraavya Readdy

Facebook Live is in vogue – from celebrities to commoners. When it comes to celebrities, they use the live video option to interact with their fans, to take questions from them.

However, it was not a pleasant experience for Telugu actress Shraavya Reddy when she went live on Facebook a few days ago to explain demonetization of Rs 500 and 1,000 notes to her followers.

In the video, Shraavya was detailing the government's decision for her followers. Once she started reading the comments, one of the users asked her about her breast size.

Shraavya Reddy Shraavya Reddy

An angry Shraavya shamed the man, who asked the question, on the FB Live session itself.

“Your size? Are you mad or what? Guys, come on yaar... Why you guys seeing my body, I am telling something very important. Just because of you kind of people, our India is going down man. Come on, f**k that, okay? I am using vulgar language because lot of people are watching your comments. I am not showing my body man, come on. I am not saying – praise my b***s, praise my structure, okay? I am giving you information, just take that, don't praise my b***s. Yes, I have amazing b***s. What's your problem? Will your mother not have? It's enough. I have already replied so many people who have commented on my b***s on my Facebook page. Every girl has b***s,” (sic) Shraavya shouted.

After her outburst, Shraavya continued with the video and signed off on a good note.

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