


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 11:40 PM IST

Love knows no boundary for actor-dancer Paris Laxmi and hubby Pallipuram Sunil | Video

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Love knows no boundary for actor-dancer Paris Laxmi and hubby Pallipuarm Sunil Paris Laxmi and Pallipuarm Sunil. Photo: Manorama

Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to show your loved ones how much you care.

On this V Day, Onmanorama caught up with dancers Paris Laxmi and Pallipuram Sunil and asked them how they broke the barriers of culture and language to celebrate love.

''The secret of true love is a continuous dialogue of sharing'', says Bangalore Days actor Paris Laxmi.

''True love blooms only when you can be yourself with the other person. There is no cheating in true love, and if you are happy being yourself, you can spread that love to your special one,” she says.

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Sunil, on the other hand, reminded that mutual understanding and respect are the two pillars of true love.

While Paris Laxmi feels that honesty is what conquered her heart, Sunil thinks it's Laxmi’s sincere love that stole his heart.

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