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Last Updated Thursday November 26 2020 12:27 AM IST

Actress Nimisha Suresh gets married

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Actress Nimisha Suresh got married Nimisha Suresh got married to Jijish Janardhanan

Actress Nimisha Suresh married Jijish Janardhanan at Guruvayoor Temple last week.

The close knit function was a low affair and was attended by family members and close friends only.

Nimisha Suresh started her career with the film Pachakuthira directed by Kamal.

She also acted in films like Mayavi, Paayum Puli, Marykkundoru Kunjaadu, Ithu Nammude Katha, Make-up Man, Doctor Love and Om Shanti Oshana.

In Tamil, Nimisha played the female lead in the film Ninaithathu Yaaro.

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