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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 11:00 PM IST

It's Suresh Gopi's son debuting with 'Mudhugauv '. Just remember that!

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It's Suresh Gopi's son debuting with 'Mudhugauv '. Just remember that!

Here's yet another star kid making his debut in Malayalam film industry, carrying on with his father's legacy yet treading on a different path.

Under Friday Films banner, Gokul Suresh Gopi teams up with Sandra Thomas and Vijay Babu in what could be another one of the duo's fun outings.

Interestingly, the film's title, 'Mudhugauv ' that translates to a kiss in Kannada, became a rage in Kerala after it was put to great comic use by Mohanlal in the film Thenmavin Kombathu.

Giving Gokul Suresh company, is Arthana Binu and Vijay Babu himself as 'Rambo'. Directed by Vipin Das, we hope it doesn't become a case of misplaced kiss after all!

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