Malayalam filmmaker Midhun Manuel Thomas' recent release Ann Maria Kalippilaanu, starring Baby Sara and Sunny Wayne in the lead roles, was well-received in theaters. Now, the movie, a comedy-drama, has come out in DVDs and CDs, more people are watching it and appreciation is pouring out to the film's crew.
It was then that an idea struck graphic designer Arun P.G. who is known for his creative editing works in the web world – what if Ann Maria Kalippilaanu was a suspense thriller? He got to his chopping table and released the 'suspense action thriller trailer' of the movie online.
His cuts were so good that those who have seen the movie already went wow and those who have not seen the movie even believed that it was indeed a thriller.
Midhun Manuel was taken aback when he saw the trailer cut; after watching it, he wrote on Cinema Paradiso, a Facebook group of movie lovers, that he was stunned by watching the 'thriller trailer cut' of his own film.
What more, the movie's cameraman Vishnu Sarma messaged Arun on Facebook: “Hi Arun, Vishnu sarma here, DOP of annmaria. Ugran (brilliant) cuts! Couldn't imagine that annmaria's visuals suit for such a thriller genre! Keep up the good work!” (sic)
Here, watch the video yourself and enjoy Arun's creativity.
Midhun also shared Arun's work on his Facebook page and wrote: "Highly creative..!! What if Ann Maria were a suspense thriller..!! Watch with headsets if possible..! credits to Arun PG." (sic)
Now, you can compare it with the movie's official trailer.
Onmanorama had earlier featured another video edit of Arun. You can watch it here - When Mohanlal danced for a Mammootty song.
Like everyone else is saying, good job Arun :)