'He's a good friend': Asha Sharath refutes rumours of misbehaviour by Siddique on 'Drishyam' set

Asha Sharath. Photo: Manorama

Kochi: Malayalam actor Asha Sharath responded to Me Too allegations in the Malayalam film industry and the spread of 'false rumours' surrounding her. The actor was referring to claims that actor Siddique had behaved inappropriately towards her during the shooting of Jeethu Joseph's film Drishyam starring Mohanlal.

Denying the allegations, Asha said in a detailed statement, "I became aware of some rumours that are being circulated, stating that Siddique misbehaved with me during the filming of Drishyam. Siddique is a respected colleague and a good friend of mine in the artistic field. I have never encountered any inappropriate behaviour, words, or actions from him." She urged those involved in spreading false rumours to cease immediately, adding, "Please refrain from making such baseless allegations."

Asha went on to express her hopes for the film industry, saying, "The Malayalam film industry should grow as a large artistic family that sets an example for others. If any undesirable incidents are happening or emerging, they need to be nipped in the bud." She also stressed the need to expose those who try to profit from spreading lies, saying, "We must call out those who spread false rumours and attempt to fish in troubled waters."

Asha further assured that legal action would be taken against individuals engaged in defamatory campaigns, stating, "Those who engage in such unlawful defamation will be brought before the law."

The actor emphasised the need for a peaceful and positive environment in the film industry. "Anyone with a passion and talent for the arts should be able to work in an atmosphere of peace and happiness. I hope the government and the art-loving community in Kerala will work together to create such an environment," she added.


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