We just don't know: Symonds' sister on what he was doing on a lonely stretch

Andrew Symonds
Andrew Symonds leaves behind his wife Laura and two children. File photo: AFP/Timothy A Clary

The mystery around Australian cricketer Andrew Symonds' final hours before his death in a car crash on Saturday has deepened with his sister revealing to dailymail.co.uk that the family "just don't know" what the 46-year-old was doing on a deserted stretch on the night of the mishap.


The former all-rounder died in a single-car crash west of Townsville in Queensland. He leaves behind his wife Laura and two children.


The report said that his sister, Louise Symonds, "left a touching letter at the crash site" and said she wishes she could spend "just one more day" with her brother.


Quoting Louise, the report said, "It's (mishap) just awful. We just don't know (what Andre Symonds was doing there)," she said, adding, "I wish we had one more day, one more phone call. My heart is broken. I will always love you my brother."

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