Kochi man beats fiancee black & blue for reaching late

Screengrab of the CCTV visuals.

Kochi: A young woman was repeatedly assaulted by her fiance in the early hours on Wednesday in the heart of the city after she had gone out with friends without telling him. The police said that a case has been registered based woman's statement. They have slapped charges for wrongful restraint and for causing voluntary hurt.
"She had gone out with her friends without telling him and she came home late. He got angry and hit her. Their marriage has been fixed and all of them are relatives,'' said Maradu police. Arun, a Tamil Nadu native and accused in the case, is absconding, police said.

The incident happened early on Wednesday. The CCTV visuals show the woman being assaulted despite her crying pleas. 

Police said the woman, who runs a beauty parlour, had gone out with her friends and returned at 4.30 am. The man and his friends beat her as she approached them. Though some passersby intervened seeing the assault, the group claimed it was nothing serious and moved towards Janata Road.

CCTV visuals, the police said, show the assault she suffered after they moved away from the passersby. As per her statement, she was assaulted for returning late. Hearing the commotion and the woman's screams, nearby residents informed the police who arrived at the scene. 

However, the woman was adamant that she did not want to file a complaint about the assault. Therefore, the police left without registering a case. Later, the woman filed a complaint after she reached the hospital and received treatment.

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