Wedding photographers complain about untidy room for stay, assaulted by bride's relatives in Idukki

Munnar police have registered a case based on the photographer's complaint. Photo: Screengrab/Manorama

Idukki: Munnar police have registered a case after two wedding photographers were assaulted by the bride's relatives at Mankulam. Visuals of the assault showed two men walking towards the car and assaulting the photographers who were inside the vehicle. The injured men, Nithin Thomas and Jerin, are from Ernakulam.

The incident happened on Monday when Jerin and his team, who had been assigned a wedding shoot, arrived at a resort in Mankulam at 2 am in the morning. The bride's family had booked a room for photographers at this resort. However when they found the room in a filthy state, they rang up the bride's family and informed them about the condition of the room. They were told that a man named Yedhu would help them. However, when Jerin spoke to Yedhu, he reportedly misbehaved with them. Jerin said that they cleaned the room and slept there. Nithin Thomas, who coordinated the photography of the wedding event, slept in another room. At 4 am in the morning, Yedhu and a group of men allegedly assaulted Nithin.

After the wedding, Jerin and his team returned to Muvattupuzha, where they were followed by Yedhu. The car was blocked at Gomatikada, around 4 kms from Mankulam and Nithin and Jerin were assaulted again. Jerin was admitted to Adimali Taluk Hospital with injuries to the nose and head and was later shifted to a private hospital at Muvattupuzha. Munnar police said that an investigation has begun. Yedhu is the husband of the bride's sister. Police are tracking the names of four others involved in the attack. 

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