Wayanad disaster-resilient township at Rs 2,262 cr proposes freedom for owners to alter houses

Boulders and debris surround a house at Chooralmala that was destroyed in the landslide on July 30. Photo: Special arrangement/Albin Mathew

The disaster-resilient township being proposed in Wayanad roughly estimated at Rs 2,262 crores will be a combination of terraced farming models and homestead style settlement type, according to the Memorandum prepared by the state government.

Of the total cost estimated for implementing the project, land value is slotted at Rs 350 crores, and procurement of land is expected to cost Rs 100 crores. The rough cost estimates prepared by the PWD show eleven items, including the construction of houses, social impact studies, land development, educational institutions, health facilities, road development, electrification, transportation facilities, etc., at Rs 2,000 crores.

The document proposes two types of houses: Resilient housing, which incorporates concepts like elevated and stilt Housing, which will reduce the risk of damage from soil erosion and waterlogging and allow for water flow underneath, minimising the impact on the natural terrain and Incremental housing in which incremental method of development gives the owners the freedom to spontaneously perform extensions of their housing based on their future needs and resources, thus allowing diversity and customization depending on different drivers and motivations of the occupants.

The structure of the farming settlement is decentralized, promoting independence while fostering a close-knit community through shared facilities like workshops, markets, and schools. Each terrace is bordered by a small retaining wall made of stone or other local materials to hold soil and water.

The pattern follows the natural contour of the hill, with a series of terraces ascending the slope. Settlements can be located on or near these terraces, typically in clusters, to facilitate easy access to farmland, according to the document. A government-appointed expert committee has identified five places where a township can be built.  

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