Cherthala child death case: police await forensic test results

Representational image: Canva

Alappuzha: The poIice team probing the death of a newborn who was found buried in a vacant plot in Thakazhi are awaiting forensic test results to make headway after the contradicting statements given by the three accused. However, it has been confirmed that the newborn was alive at the time of birth.

'' The newborn was alive at the time of birth. Now, we need to know whether the newborn died due to natural causes soon after birth or whether the newborn was killed. The forensic report should bring clarity to this issue,'' said a police official of the Poochackal police station. 

The police had earlier received the custody of the three accused in the case - mother Donna (22), boyfriend Thomas Joseph (24) and another friend Asok Joseph (30). While Donna had said that the baby was alive at the time of birth, boyfriend Thomas had given the statement that the baby he received was already dead. 

The police had hoped to bring clarity into this by interrogating Donna who was undergoing treatment at the time. The police later received Donna in custody, and upon questioning, it was revealed that the baby was indeed alive at the time of birth. 

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