Temple priest in Idukki buys Kerala lottery ticket over phone, wins Rs 1 crore

Madhusoodanan, the priest of Meppara temple, Idukki with his family. Photo: Special arrangement

Idukki: Madhusoodanan, the priest of Meppara temple, Idukki who won Rs 1 crore in the Kerala fifty-fifty lottery draw held on Wednesday bought the ticket over phone. He has had a habit of buying lottery tickets for a long time. He has also won prizes; Rs 5000 the highest so far.

The prize worth Rs 1 crore was won for the ticket number FT 506060 sold from Sabarigiri Lucky Center of Radhakrishnan Nair, a native of Nariampara. Madhusoodanan Namboothiri is a regular buyer from this lucky centre.

Madhusoodanan said that he did not even check the number of the ticket, which received a prize of Rs 1 crore while buying. Radhakrishnan had called him over phone and suggested a ticket and Namboothiri agreed. The ticket price was transferred via phone. It was Radhakrishnan who called him after the draw and informed him of the first prize.

Namboothiri who is a native of Kottayam shifted to Meppara 20 years ago. He lives with his wife Athira and their children Vaishnava and Vaikalakshmi. Children are studying in class 7 and 2. The ticket has been handed over to the Federal Bank at Kattapana branch. He said that he hasn't made any plans on how to use 1 crore.

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