Vattavada farmers struggle as weather plays havoc with their plans

vattavada farmers
The heavy rain and wind caused the bean plant to break. Photo: Special Arrangement.

Heavy showers and strong winds in the past three days have caused damage in the farmlands of Vattavada. Winter vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, ring beans, butter beans, cabbage etc. were cultivated. Of these, only carrots, potatoes and cabbages survived the rain and wind. Vegetables including butter beans and ring beans grown in more areas were damaged by wind and rain. ''Carrots and potatoes are the only winter vegetables available this season. 50 per cent of the vegetables grown on two acres were destroyed,'' said Ajith B, a farmer.

During this year's severe summer, the farmers of Vattavada did not get any substantial yield. With the onset of summer rains, they sowed seeds and started farming. Once monsoon began, their plans went awry.

The heavy rain and wind caused the bean plant to break. The agriculture officer said that the farms in all the 13 wards of Vattavada will be visited and evaluated depending on the change in rainfall. ''Bean vines can reach a height of one and a half to two meters. If strong winds and rains continue in the same way, more damage may occur,'' the official said.

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