Two held after stealing railway signal cable in Vadakara

railway cable theft
The accused Manowar Ali (37) and Abbas Ali (47) are natives of Assam. Photo: Manorama.

Vadakara: The Kozhikode Railway Protection Force (RPF) arrested two people for stealing a railway signal cable at Poovadan Gate. The accused, Manowar Ali (37) and Abbas Ali (47), natives of Assam, were caught cutting and removing the cables.

RPF seized the stolen 12-metre signal cable and the hacksaw blade used in the theft. The accused had rented an old house near Paravanthala, Vadakara where they operated a scrap business. Manowar Ali went to Poovadan Gate and cut the cable, causing a disruption in the signalling system between Vadakara and Mahe on Friday morning. This led to delays for around ten trains.

Upon receiving information about the incident, the RPF team arrived at the location and conducted an inspection. During the inspection near the railway track, they found Manowar Ali and, upon questioning, discovered a portion of the cable in his possession. A further search at their scrap business premises revealed the remaining portion of the cable.

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