IUML issues 'fatwa' to women cadre from dancing at Shafi Parambil's roadshow after LS win

Screengrab from a video of Muslim Women dancing at Panoor while celebrating Shafi Parambil's (right) victory from the Vadakara Lok Sabha Constituency.

Kannur: A local leadership of the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) in Kerala has issued a fatwa to its women cadre prohibiting them from attending roadshows as part of UDF candidate Shafi Parambil's thumping victory from the Vadakara constituency.

A voice clip from Shahul Hameed, General Secretary of IUML's Koothuparamba constituency committee, shared among the party's women members, has gone viral. In the clip, Hameed urges IUML's women cadre (Vanitha League) not to go overboard with celebrations during a roadshow in Panoor on Friday as it is allegedly prohibited under Islamic law.

“The Koothuparamba mandalam committee of the UDF has organised a reception for our MP Shafi Parambil at Panoor. Request our dear sisters to be present on the occasion. But, Vanitha League members shouldn't attend the rally or roadshow. The party does not seek your participation in such events as our religious rules do not permit us to go overboard with celebrations. But your participation is required in the programme. There will be the opportunity for you to offer your greeting to our beloved MP,” says Hameed in the clip.

It is understood that the diktat comes in the wake of celebrations witnessed in Panoor on June 4 when the Lok Sabha results were declared. Shafi, who was pitted against CPM's popular candidate K K Shailaja defied the odds to secure a popular mandate. He won with a majority of 1,14,506 votes. Muslim women were seen playing 'oppana' and dancing to 'Mappila' songs on the streets of Panoor.

It was just a reminder
Hameed said his instructions were blown out of proportion. “An organisation like IUML has to follow some sort of religious responsibilities along with its political values,” Hameed told Onmanorama when asked about his discriminatory remark.

The local IUML leader has claimed his instructions were merely a call to be vigilant and should not be treated as a ban. “I have only tried to remind them that they have to stick to such religious values through a voice message sent to a WhatsApp group of Vanitha League members. There were attempts to depict the celebration of Vanitha League members in the victory celebration of Shafi as anti-religious from some corners.”

Vanitha League members Onmanorama contacted refused to comment on the matter. Onmanorama understands that they are also prohibited from commenting on the matter. MP Shafi was unavailable for comment. IUML had faced criticism on a similar issue during local body polls in Malappuram district.

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