Kerala raises Rs 18 cr in 6 days to buy single drug for child with rare disease

Muhammed with his father Rafeek and MLA M Vijin (left)

In a major crowd-funding initiative, a whopping amount of Rs 18 crore was collected in a mere six days to purchase a medicine for treatment of a one-and-a-half-year-old boy in Kerala's Kannur. The child, Muhammed, son of Rafeek and Mariyumma of Mattoor in Kannur, is suffering from a rare condition called spinal muscular atrophy which leads to degeneration of the muscles.

Aid for Muhammed came from Keralites settled in all parts of the world after his plight was shared widely shared on social media. M Vijin, the local Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA), said that no more money was required for the youngster’s treatment and requested well-wishers to stop transferring money to the bank accounts of the family.

Costly drug for a rare disease

“The special drug required for Muhammed’s treatment will be made available soon,” said the MLA. Zolgensma, the medicine, is only available abroad and the expenses to bring it to India amount to around Rs 18 crore. It is considered the world’s most expensive drug.

Incidentally, Muhammed has an elder sister Afra, who also suffers from spinal muscular atrophy and has been on the wheel-chair for the last 14 years. According to doctors, Muhammed would recover from the crippling condition if he could be administered Zolgensma before he turns two.


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