Irked by neighbour’s kittens, Kottayam man kills them

Irked by neighbour’s kittens, Kottayam man kills them

Kottayam: If you don't like your neighbour's cat entering your home, chase it away. But don't try any dire steps like this Kangazha native.

Ajayakumar killed the two kittens of his neighbour and then hanged them. The police arrested the 45-year-old based on a complaint by animal lovers.

Ajayakumar and his neighbour Habib Mohammed often quarrelled over the kittens, the police said.

Then, in an inebriated state, he beat the two kittens to death, the officer said. Videos of Ajayakumar beating the little creatures and hanging them were taken by Habib. These videos had gone viral on social media.

Ajayakumar was later let off on bail.

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