TVM suicide: Accused sent ex-wife's nude photo to local criminal, say police

Sreeja, Sreejith. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: Sreejith, who was remanded to custody for abetment of his ex-wife's suicide, sent her nude photos to a local criminal, police said.
Sreeja (46) died by suicide at her residence in Cheenikonam at Vattiyoorkavu after Sreejith (47), brutally assaulted her and sent obscene images to a local resident with a history of criminal cases. A note found in the room indicated that she took her own life due to the harassment from her ex-husband.

The couple had divorced just five days ago, following a history of domestic violence and a previous allegation of molestation against Sreejith in 2021. He was an accused in a POCSO case for allegedly sexually abusing their daughter.

On June 24, Sreejith allegedly broke into Sreeja's home and attacked her, demanding she vacate the premises. He allegedly tore open her clothes and clicked her nude pictures on his mobile phone. He threatened to circulate the pictures if she did not transfer the house and property to him.
He later sent these photos to their neighbour. Sreejith has been charged for abetment of suicide, taking nude pictures and blackmailing, illegal detention and physical assault.

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