Santhosh Pandit's bait: why die playing Blue Whale when you can live watching my movies

Self-proclaimed star Santhosh Pandit is known to express his views on social issues. As reports of youngsters committing suicide in Kerala after playing the Blue Whale Challenge sent shock waves across Kerala, Pandit has an interesting observation to make.

On his Facebook page, Santhosh Pandit wrote, “Came across how youngsters are getting prey to a game called Blue Whale and killing themselves. Sad! Why can’t they watch my movies and listen to my songs on YouTube rather than thinking about suicide. As responsible parents, everyone tries to buy their kids the best smartphones as soon as the kids reach LKG. Media should take note and report accordingly.”

Santhosh Pandit and his brand of movies are often panned for their ridiculousness. However, certain sections too opine that Pandit is merely making a mockery of the mainstream movie culture and earning some money in the process.

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