Case against actor Parvati Nair for assaulting domestic worker over suspected theft

Parvati Nair. Photo: Instagram/paro_nair

Chennai: Tamil Nadu police have registered a case against actor Parvati Nair based on a complaint filed by her domestic worker, alleging that she assaulted him. In 2022, Parvati Nair had filed a complaint with Chennai police, claiming that gold and money were missing from her home. She had suspected Subhash Chandrabose, who was working at her residence at the time.

Following this, Subhash lodged a complaint accusing the actor and her aides of assaulting him. When no action was taken on his complaint, Subhash approached the court. The police registered the case against Parvati and seven others based on court orders.

The actor had previously reported the loss of Rs 9 lakh, an iPhone, and a laptop from her home, and expressed suspicion about Subhash’s involvement. While the police investigated the theft, Subhash filed a complaint. Denying the allegations against her, the actor said she filed the initial complaint to recover the lost money. She also mentioned that she had questioned Subhash after the theft but was not satisfied with his responses.

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